Faculty FLEX Time Approved for Active Shooter Training
Flex time has approved the one (1) hour “Active Shooter” presentation for FLEX credit for full time faculty or for compensation of professional development for part time faculty.
Accessing Training platform, Target/Vector Solutions:
To log in, please use this link: https://app.targetsolutions.com/auth/index.cfm?action=login.showlogin&customerid=27352&customerpath=riversidecc&timeout
Your username is your email, and your password is riverside (unless you have changed it). If you need to reset the password, please let me know.
Please remember to go to your “Assignments” tab to access your assignments. You can also go to the “My History” tab to access the assignments you have previously completed.
If you have any issues accessing the trainings please contact monica.esqueda@rccd.edu
If you have any questions about faculty flex credit, please contact your College's Flex Coordinator.