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Board Meeting Agendas

Public access to the in-person meeting will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. In order to encourage public participation to the greatest extent possible, a continued virtual link will be provided via live streaming at:

Riverside City C​ollege's YouTube Channel

Submission of Public Comments

1. Anyone who wishes to make a presentation to the Board on an agenda item in person is requested to complete a "REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES" card, available from the Public Affairs Officer. ​Please make sure that the Secretary of the Board has the correct spelling of your name and address to mainta​in proper records. Comments should be limited to five (5) minutes or less. (This time limit will be doubled for members of the public utilizing a translator to ensure the non-English speaker receives the same opportunity to directly address the Board, unless simultaneous translation equipment is used.)

2. Members of the public may also directly voice their comments virtually through Zoom by completing the  virtual comments ​request form. Submissions must be received prior to 4 pm the day of the meeting to be included.​

Virtual Comments ​Request Form

3. Written public comments may be sent to writtenpubliccomments@rccd.edu, which will be acknowledged and identified by the Board President during the public comment portion of the meeting. Submissions by email must be received prior to 4:00 pm the day of the meeting to be included.


4. Public records relating to an open session agenda item that is distributed within 72 hours prior to the meeting is av​ailable for public inspection at the Riverside Community College District Chancellor's Office, 3rd Floor, 3801 Market Street, Riverside, California, 92501 during regular business hours or online at:


Available Ar​chives

March 2019​ to present are located at the bottom of this page below. Archives from years 2004 - February 2019 are available. ​ 

Archived​ Meetings

Audio R​eco​rdings​ which include Public Comments are also available.​ ​​​​

Audio R​eco​rdings


​​Download Complete ​2025 Meetings Schedule