Culture of Care
The Riverside Community College District's Culture of Care initiative is designed to sustain inclusive practices as part of the core work of the District and its colleges. The initiative addresses each area of the education array — teaching, governance, leadership, professional development, community, service and administration.
RCCD is committed to serving the needs of its communities which is comprised of a multiplicity of identities. The District expects each member of the campus community to acknowledge, value and practice the District's vision and values. The District offers educational opportunities that promote social and economic mobility for its students and demonstrates leadership in the region and the state by providing high-quality instructional programs and by advancing social justice for all.
And we do this through the District six values — inclusiveness, excellence, innovation, collegiality, stewardship and heritage. RCCD and its college strive to maintain a climate of equity and justice through respect for one another. History has shown that America has suffered from deep-rooted injustices and biases. But it doesn't mean it must continue. Therefore, RCCD works to foster mutual understanding and respect for one another. District leadership, faculty and staff believe in the right of freedom of expression, a commitment to non-violent exchange and the highest standards of conduct and decency toward everyone.
The District welcomes open expression and everyone's individuality, and supports the need for courtesy, sensitivity and respect. We also recognize an individual's right to think, speak, express and debate ideas while rejecting violence when in opposition to those expression and ideas.
Diversity, equity and inclusiveness have been hallmarks of the District for over 100
years. Education centers need to provide a welcoming environment that is conducive
to learning. We must be open to new ideas and even accepting of opinions of individuals
who may differ from our own. RCCD remains committed to providing students with an
atmosphere that allows personal growth and the opportunity to prosper educationally
and socially while being yourself.
Resolutions | Board Policy & Adminstrative Procedures | Privacy | Sexual Orientation/Identification |
Discrimination/Harrassment | Undocumented Students/Immigration | Financial Aid |
Safety/Well Being
Resolution 04-17/18 Support of Codifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals into Federal Law
Resolution Number 43-16/17 in Support and Protection of a Culture of Care
Resolution Number 38-16/17 in Support of Student Access and Protection
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Board Policy & Administrative Procedures
1820 - Public Records Requests and Subpoenas
6410 - Nondiscrimination
6420 - Equal Employment Opportunity
6430 - Prohibition of Harassment and Retaliation
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What privacy rights do students have regarding educational records?
Student records may not be released to anyone without the written permission of the student. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a federal law that protects the privacy of educational records of all students enrolled in schools beyond the high school level, schools/colleges are required to maintain that privacy, primarily by restricting release of records and the access provided to those records. Any educational institution that receives funds under any program administered by the U.S. Secretary of Education is bound by FERPA requirements. Institutions that fail to comply with FERPA may have funds administered by the Secretary of Education withheld. To learn more about FERPA regulations, visit:
Department of Education FERPA Regulations
I am concerned that the college may release information in regards to immigration status. What does the college or District release in regards to FERPA?
The RCCD steadfastly protects student records under FERPA and will not release student information related to immigration status without a judicial warrant, subpoena, or court order, unless authorized by the student or required by process of law; In 2017, the RCCD Board of Trustees passed a resolution (38-16/17) in support of Student Access and Protection which states that RCCD and its three colleges shall not cooperate with any efforts to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics such as religion, national origin, race, or sexual orientation.
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Sexual Orientation/Identification
I am a transgender student, can I use the restroom or locker rooms on campus based on my selected identity?
Yes, you may use the restroom or locker room consistent with the gender you identify
with, regardless of your birth gender.
Are there gender neutral restrooms at the colleges?
Yes, any single stall restroom in California is considered a gender neutral restroom.
California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill in 2015 that requires public single-occupancy
bathrooms in California be available for all genders.
Can I change my name or gender on my college file, if I have not legally changed my name?
RCCD is adopting a policy on preferred names which will allow a student to request use of a name consistent with their gender identity, even if it is not their legal name, where such use is allowable under the law.
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What policy does RCCD have related to discrimination?
RCCD does not tolerate any form of discrimination against students, faculty or staff. RCCD Board Policy 6410 - Non-discrimination states, RCCD complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, ancestry, genetic information, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code or any characteristic that is contained in the prohibition of hate crimes set forth in subdivision (1) of Section 422.6 of the California Penal Code, or any other status protected by law.
Is there a harassment policy at RCCD?
Board Policy 6435
Prohibition of Harassment and Retaliation states that all forms of harassment are contrary to basic standards of conduct between individuals and are prohibited by state and federal law, as well as this policy, and will not be tolerated. The District is committed to providing an academic and work environment that respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The District shall be free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation.
Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been harassed or retaliated against in violation of this policy should immediately report such incidents by following the procedures described in:
What other codes of conduct apply to harassing behavior?
Causing, attempting to cause, implying, or threatening to cause, harm to another person whether or not the threat is in writing, by electronic means (including social media) or in person. Harm is defined as, but not limited to, physical harm, harm to profession (defamation) or psychological harm. This conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline.
Who investigates an allegation of sexual assault on an RCCD campus?
Support information and resources are available to you if you have been a victim of rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and/or stalking crimes or have friends, peers, or acquaintances who have been victimized. All sexual assaults are considered very serious matters to RCCD and are given the highest priority for response. To report an assault contact the RCCD Safety and Police Department (951) 222-8171 Dispatch (951) 222-8171, Health Service Center Moreno Valley College (951) 571-6103 Norco College (951) 372-7046 Riverside City College (951) 222-8151.
Is bullying tolerated at RCCD?
Engaging in intimidating conduct or bullying against another person through words or actions, including direct physical contact; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; social isolation or manipulation; doxing and cyberbullying are violations of the RCCD Student Code of Conduct and are not permitted on any college site.
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Undocumented Students/Immigration
What is RCCD doing to protect DACA students?
Resolution 38-16/17
Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the RCCD in support of Student Access and Protection was signed on February 21, 2017 and reads in part, that the Board of Trustees of Riverside Community College District affirms that that all students have an opportunity to receive an education in the community college system, regardless of immigration status and any other protected status; and the Riverside Community College District and its three colleges shall not cooperate with any efforts to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics such as religion, national origin, race, or sexual orientation.
What's the difference between DACA, AB-540 or undocumented students?
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a temporary program that allows people (ages under 31) to gain work authorization form, SS#, and protection from deportation.
AB-540 is an assembly bill that allows eligible students to pay instate tuition at CCC, CSU and UC campuses
Undocumented Students- any student that is in the states without documentation
Comparison Chart of DACA, California Dream Act, AB540
What is the difference between the Dream Act and DACA? How is the California Dream
Act different from the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program?
The California Dream Act is a California state law that allows certain undocumented and out-of-state students to receive state financial aid while attending colleges in California. In a statement released from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), “Regardless of what happens at the federal level, state financial aid for Dreamers remains legal in California. A Dreamer does not need to be DACA-certified to be eligible for a public education or state financial aid. Losing DACA will not affect most state financial aid”. The information used on the California Dream Application is used solely to determine eligibility for state financial aid and isn't shared with the federal government or used for immigration enforcement purposes. CSAC will protect this information to the fullest extent of the law.
More information is available at:
California Student Aid Commission
Do my instructors know about my immigration status?
Under FERPA, neither faculty nor staff are provided student immigration information without a legitimate academic need to know.
Is the Bridge Act the same thing as the Dream Act?
No, the two are very different. The federal DREAM Act is not law, Congress did not
pass it into law when it was voted on in 2011. There is a California DREAM Act in
place, however, which applies only to the state of California and allows children
who were brought into the US under the age of 16 and who otherwise meet in-state tuition
and GPA requirements to apply for student financial aid benefits. The BRIDGE Act is
proposed federal legislation which would grant protection to DACA-eligible students
from deportation and would provide work authorization for a period of three years,
after which the Act would need to be renewed or Congress would need to pass some other
immigration reform in its place.
Am I allowed to go on college trips (bus/plane) if I am a DACA student?
Yes. District policy does not prohibit students from participating in college travel.
However, this is a personal decision on the part of a student and security measures
must be taken into consideration for national and international travel.
Can I work as a student employee on campus if I am a DACA student?
Students can apply for District Student Employment as long as they have their Social Security Card and state issued photo ID (employment authorization card, California ID, or other forms that are in compliance with the I-9 requirements).
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Financial Aid
If I do not have a legal status, can I apply for financial aid?
Yes, students who are not eligible to complete the FAFSA application may complete the California Dream Application. Students will need to meet AB 540 residency rules as well.
Is there an additional cost to apply for financial aid if I am a DACA student?
No, the California Dream Application is a free application to apply. The AB 540 application
is also free through the Admissions and Records office.
I am a US Citizen, but my parents are not. Do I have to provide their finances or
immigration status to apply for financial aid?
For the California Dream Application, if you are required to provide your parents information on the application, their income information will be required. You can enter the information directly onto the application. If tax information is required at a later time, the financial aid office can assist with steps on how to provide this information. This information is not shared, it is used to determine eligibility. We do not need parental immigration information, parents immigration status does not affect a student's ability to apply for financial aid.
I am an AB540 student, what types of financial resources are available?
AB 540 students may be eligible to apply for and receive the following: Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOG), Cal Grant, Full-time Student Success Grant, and Scholarships.
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What is the college doing to cultivate a safe campus?
The Board of Trustees of Riverside Community College District affirms that all RCCD campuses will remain safe, welcoming places for students of all backgrounds to learn.
The California Community Colleges system is also committed to serving all students who can benefit from a post-secondary education, without regard to ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race or ethnicity, color, genetic information, ancestry, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability, pregnancy, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code.
How does the school communicate with students in an emergency?
Secure RCCD uses notification and reporting services from Rave Mobile Safety in order
to deliver emergency notification messages from the District and/or the colleges via
telephone, e-mail, and/or text messaging. Emergency notifications will deliver important
information regarding emergencies at District sites.
What is the role of the college police department?
RCCD's Safety and Police Department provides 24/7/365 public safety services to students,
faculty, staff and visitors. District police officers engage in routine patrols of
the colleges, respond to emergency and non-emergency requests for services, enforce
traffic laws, and investigate crimes. Additionally, safety escorts are available at
all colleges to walk you safely to your car or any location on campus, call (951)
222-8171 to arrange for an escort to meet you at your location.
Where can I go if I need physical, mental or emotional health services?
The Student Health & Psychological Services department staff is committed to helping
students achieve and maintain optimum physical, mental and emotional health, so you
can be successful in college and in life. Professionals include nurse practitioners,
registered nurses, physicians, and licensed mental health staff as well as interns.
Who can I talk to about a student services or compliance issue?
Students are encouraged to visit the Student Services department at each college, located in the administration building. To speak with someone about a student issue, please contact the Dean of Student Services at the following numbers:
Moreno Valley (951) 571-6384
Norco College (951) 372-7014
Riverside City College (951) 222-8073
Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance issues may be directed to: