Student Rights and Responsibilities
Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Procedure
Any student who does not meet a prerequisite or corequisite, or who is not permitted to enroll due to a limitation on enrollment but who provides satisfactory evidence may seek entry into the course as follows:
- If space is available in a course when a student files a challenge to the prerequisite
or corequisite, the District shall reserve a seat for the student and resolve the
challenge within five working days. If the challenge is upheld or the District fails
to resolve the challenge within the five working-day period, the student shall be
allowed to enroll in the course.
- If no space is available in the course when a challenge is filed, the challenge shall
be resolved prior to the beginning of registration for the next term and, if the challenge
is upheld, the student shall be permitted to enroll if space is available when the
student registers for that subsequent term
- If space is available in a course when a student files a challenge to the prerequisite
or corequisite, the District shall reserve a seat for the student and resolve the
challenge within five working days. If the challenge is upheld or the District fails
to resolve the challenge within the five working-day period, the student shall be
allowed to enroll in the course.
- The prerequisite or corequisite has not been established in accordance with the District's
process for establishing prerequisites and corequisites;
- The prerequisite or corequisite is in violation of Title 5, Section 55003;
- The prerequisite or corequisite is either unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied
in an unlawfully discriminatory manner;
- The student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course or program despite
not meeting the prerequisite or corequisite;
- The student will be subject to undue delay in attaining the goal of his or her educational
plan because the prerequisite or corequisite course has not been made reasonably available
or such other grounds for challenge as may be established by the Board;
- The student seeks to enroll and has not been allowed to enroll due to a limitation
on enrollment established for a course that involves intercollegiate competition or
public performance, or one or more of the courses for which enrollment has been limited
to a cohort of students;
- The student seeks to enroll in a course that has a prerequisite established to protect
health and safety, and the student demonstrates that he or she does not pose a threat
to himself or herself or others.
- The prerequisite or corequisite has not been established in accordance with the District's
process for establishing prerequisites and corequisites;
Unofficial transcripts may be submitted one time with the Matriculation Appeals Petition
to temporarily validate a prerequisite. However, official transcripts must be received
prior to registration for the next term for permanent validation. Official is defined
as transcripts that are less than 90 days old and sealed in an envelope from the original
Online (ONLN)
Online classes are distance education classes with no scheduled meeting days. Students will log in to Canvas and complete work regularly throughout the week. Canvas and other technologies will be required to complete coursework.
Regular Meeting (REG MEET)
Distance education classes with regular weekly meeting during scheduled days and times. Students will attend class online during the published course times. Additionally, students will log in to Canvas and complete work regularly throughout the week. Canvas and other technologies will be required to complete coursework.
Occasional Meeting (OCC MEET)
Distance education classes with occasional meetings during scheduled days and times. Students will occasionally attend class online during the published course times. Additionally, students will log in to Canvas and complete work regularly throughout the week. Canvas and other technologies will be required to complete coursework.
Face-to-Face (F2F)
Face-to-Face classes are in person and on-campus classes with weekly scheduled meeting days and times. Students will complete the semester on campus unless the college is ordered to discontinue face-to-face classes. If face-to-face and hybrid courses are discontinued due to COVID-19, alternative formats will be implemented.
Hybrid (HYB)
Hybrid classes are distance education courses combined with on-campus face to face classes that will meet on required scheduled meetings days and times unless the college is ordered to discontinue face-to-face classes. If face- to-face courses are discontinued, and the course cannot be completed through distance education, it will be cancelled. Canvas and other technologies will be required to complete coursework.
For more information on Canvas, Riverside Community College District's Learning Management System, please visit the Distance Education website.
Technology for Online Courses
A desktop or laptop computer with internet access should be the primary device used for online courses in Canvas. While Canvas can be used on mobile devices, such as tablets, Chromebooks, and cell phones, Canvas does not always function properly with mobile browsers, and there are features within Canvas that your instructor might use that do not appear in the Canvas app for mobile devices. In addition, some of the third-party applications that your instructor may have integrated in your Canvas course may not work on yo ur mobile device. There is limited mobile support for Canvas, so if you have a problem with Canvas using the mobile app, you may not be able to get help.
Your instructor may require that you take online proctored tests that use a webcam and microphone. Please check with your instructor to be sure that you are aware of hardware and software requirements for your course.