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District Budget Advisory Sub-Committee

Committee Charge 

The District Budget Advisory Sub-Committee (DBAC) is a standing committee which serves as the primary advisor on fiscal and budget matters to the District Strategic Planning Council (DSPC). DBAC provides a collaborative forum for the exchange of information necessary to inform strategic decisions regarding budget and fiscal policies, procedures, planning, budget development, and resource allocations within the Riverside Community College District (RCCD). DBAC works towards continuous evaluation and quality improvement of the budget allocation process by systematically assessing the effectiveness of resource allocation methodologies within approved principles and guidelines to advance the mission and goals of RCCD.​


Vice Chancellor, Director of Business Services, Vice Presidents of Business Services positions are permanent members of the Council.​

All other members commit to serving a minimum of two year terms.

Vice Chancellor votes on recommendations only in the event of a tie.

District Academic Senate (DAS) will appoint the District wide representative. 

*College Presidents will appoint MLA or CSEA representatives.

**College Academic Senate (AS) Presidents will appoint faculty representatives.

***Faculty Leads represent relevant area in Strategic Planning.

Student Trustee will appoint the student representative.

Members may send proxies to DBAC meetings.​


Meetings to be held via Zoom until further notice.​​​