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Guided Pathways Sub-Committee

Committee Charge

A permanent sub-committee which develops design principles and coordinates scaling of Guided Pathways and focuses on strategies and practices to reduce student equity gaps districtwide. Sub-committee members share promising practices, align pillar activities, advance efforts to create an environment of inclusion and belonging for students, coordinate on statewide reports, and develop Board of Trustees presentations. GPS focuses on equitable student pathways emphasizing technical skills and living wage employment, on pathways to further educational attainment, and on pathways partnerships with feeder K-12 districts and four-year colleges and universities.



Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness – co-chair (1)

Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Strategic Planning (1)

College Deans or Associate Deans of Educational Partnerships (3)

Administrative Guided Pathways Leads (3)

Administrative Student Equity Leads (3)

Faculty member from each college, ideally the Guided Pathways College Leads (3)

Faculty member from Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility from each college (3)

Classified Professional Representatives (3)

Student Representative (1)