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Committee Members

    1. Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Strategic Planning; Vice Chancellor, Business and Financial Services; Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Employee Relations; Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement and Economic Development; and General Counsel are permanent members. General Counsel is not a voting member.

    2. All other member terms are two years, with the exception of the student representative who will serve a one-year term.

    3. District Academic President will serve as faculty co-chair.

    4. Co-chairs vote on recommendations only in the event of a tie.

    5. College presidents will appoint college management representatives.

    6. Faculty Association will appoint Faculty Association representatives.

    7. CSEA will appoint Classified Professional representatives.

    8. The Associated Students will appoint the student representatives.

GSC Committee Members
Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Strategic Planning – Co-Chair
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources & Employee Relations

Aaron Brown
Vice Chancellor, Business & Financial Services

Rebeccah Goldware
Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement & Economic Development 

Keith Dobyns
General Counsel
Management Association Representative

Felipe Galicia
Academic Senate President

Faculty Association Representative

Classified Professional Representative

Student Representative
Management Association Representative

Academic Senate President

Faculty Association Representative

Classified Professional

Student Representative
Management Association Representative

Jo Scott-Coe
Academic Senate President

Faculty Association Representative

Jeanine Gardiner
Classified Professional Representative

Student Representative