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Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Governance Committee

Committee Charge

The purpose of the Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Governance Committee (IPEGC) is to promote and facilitate an equity-focused culture of evidence and inquiry in which accurate data and information provide the basis for data-driven decisions to improve teaching and learning and institutional effectiveness.

In addition to the direct and indirect methods of assessment as means to improve the teaching and learning by monitoring, assessing, and evaluating student progress at the course and program levels at the colleges, the committee will also work collaboratively to assist the district to measure institutional effectiveness by using additional parameters such as efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and transparency. To accomplish this aim, the committee will develop the methodology and instruments to monitor, assess, and evaluate the effectiveness of the district in these four parameters. The committee will determine baselines so that targets for improvement may be set. Additionally, the committee will develop key performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking tools to measure, monitor, and assess progress toward achieving district strategic goals and objectives.  The committee will also coordinate Board Policy and Administrative Procedure (BP/AP) updating efforts between the district office and the colleges to ensure BP/AP is up to date and governing processes are followed properly.

The IPEGC coordinates specific strategies and practices used by the colleges and district office to implement plans efficiently and effectively, thereby ensuring integration, alignment, and economies of scale in goal attainment. The IPEGC monitors, assesses and evaluates the district strategic goals and objectives assigned by the DSPC and provides at least one written assessment of the assigned goals to the DSPC in spring. The IPEGC assists in the development of the district five-year plans listed in the District Strategic Plan, coordinates the planning activities of the colleges into an integrated strategy, and provides regular updates to DSPC on the progress of plan development.

Following are Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Governance sub-committees. Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Governance sub-committees’ purpose and membership are detailed below.

District Enrollment Management Sub-Committee (DEMC)
Program Review Sub-Committee
Governance Sub-Committee


Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Strategic Planning – co-chair (1)

Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness (1)

Vice Presidents, Planning and Development (3)

District Dean, Institutional Research (1)

College Deans, Institutional Effectiveness (3)

Faculty member from each college, ideally the College Institutional Effectiveness Faculty co-chairs (3)

Faculty member from the District, ideally the District Program Review Chair (1)

Faculty Association representatives (3)

Classified Professional representatives (4)

Student representative from each college (3)