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Sustainability and Climate Action Sub-Committee

Committee Charge

A permanent sub-committee that serves as the primary advisor on sustainability and climate action matters to the Resources Committee and then the DSPC. SCAC provides a collaborative forum for the exchange of information necessary in setting goals and priorities regarding sustainability and climate action procedures, policies, compliances, leadership, advocacy, implementation, monitoring and communication. SCAC works towards continuous evaluation and quality improvement to support and advance the institutional mission of the district that promotes sustainability decision-making and resiliency-thinking for climate action, social justice and resources conservation.



Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Planning and Development – co-chair (1)

Vice Presidents, Business Services (3)

Sustainability and Energy Manager (1)

Director, Capital Planning (1)

District Director, Business Services (1)

Director, Government Relations (1)

Directors, Facilities Maintenance and Operations (3)

Academic Senate Presidents, (3)

Classified Professional representatives (4)

Student representative from each college (3)