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Teaching & Learning Committee

Committee Charge

The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) is charged with improving the overall quality of teaching and learning throughout the district in alignment with district mission, vision, and commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and anti-racism.

The TLC oversees student access, success, and equity goals established in the District Strategic Plan. The TLC coordinates specific strategies and practices used by the colleges and district office to implement plans efficiently and effectively, thereby ensuring integration, alignment, and economies of scale in goal attainment. The TLC monitors, assesses, and evaluates the district strategic goals and objectives assigned by the DSPC and provides at least one written assessment of the assigned goals to the DSPC in spring. The TLC assists in the development of the district five-year plan listed in the District Strategic Plan, coordinates the planning activities of the colleges into an integrated strategy, and provides regular updates to DSPC on the progress of plan development.
Specifically, TLC accomplishes its coordination and integration through:

      • gathering and sharing promising practices for teaching and learning for possible districtwide scaling

      • supporting and facilitating innovation and development of teaching and learning by identifying or connecting projects/initiatives to appropriate resources

      • providing recommendations on prioritized shared needs for teaching and learning

Following are the Teaching and Learning sub-committees. Teaching and Learning sub-committees’ purpose and membership are detailed below.

      • Guided Pathways Sub-Committee (GPS)

      • Noncredit Sub-Committee (NCS)

      • Distance Education Sub-Committee (DES)

      • Basic Needs Sub-Committee (BNSC)



Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Strategic Planning – co-chair (1)

Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness (1)

Vice Presidents, Academic Affairs (3)

Vice Presidents, Student Services (3)

Dean, Educational Services and Distance Learning (1)

Faculty member from each college, ideally the College Teaching & Learning Committee Faculty Chair (3)

Faculty member from each college, ideally Faculty Counselors overseeing Transfer Center (3)

Faculty Guided Pathway Leads (3)

District Curriculum Chair (1)

Classified Professional Representatives (4)

Student Representative from each College (3)