Alternative Resource Sub-Committee
Committee Charge
The Alternative Resource Sub-Committee (ARSC) is tasked with supporting the strategic
identification, evaluation, and pursuit of resource development opportunities in non-traditional
focus areas and from previously underutilized organizations and programs. This involves
the guidance and support for the exploration of new and expanded potentials for grant
development, community partnerships, and philanthropic pursuits. The ARSC aims to
diversify RCCD's resource base by creatively sourcing funding avenues that align with
the District's mission and advance strategic objectives to bolster its financial resilience.
Committee Membership
Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement and Economic Development (1)
Dean, Workforce and Economic Development (WED) and Entrepreneurship (1)
Executive Director, Grants and Sponsored Programs (1)
Executive Director, RCCD Foundation, co-chair (1)
Director, Government Relations (1)
Management representatives from each college (3)
Faculty member from each college (3)
Classified Professional representative (4)
Student representative from each college (3)
Tuesday, February 25
1:30 pm
Via Zoom
Contact Information
If you have questions or would like additional information about the committee, please email