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Committee Members

    1. Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement and Economic Development; Executive Director, External Relations and Strategic Communications; and Director, Center for Social Justice and Civil Liberties are permanent members.

    2. All other members serve two-year terms, with the exception of the student representative who will serve a one-year term.

    3. College Academic Senates will appoint faculty members.

    4. The faculty co-chair will be chosen by the faculty members on the committee

    5. Co-chairs vote on recommendations only in the event of a tie.

    6. College presidents will appoint college management representatives.

    7. CSEA will appoint Classified Professional representatives.

    8. The Associated Students will appoint the student representatives.
CEC Committee Members
Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement & Economic Development

Executive Director, External Relations & Strategic Communications

Director, Center for Social Justice & Civil Liberties
Management Representative

Laura Dunphy
Faculty Representative

Meriel Anderson-McDade
Classified Representative

Student Representative
Mark Hartley
Management Representative

Faculty Representative

Sabean Scott
Classified Representative

Student Representative
Adrienne Grayson
Management Representative

Faculty Representative

Amy DeArcos
Classified Representative

Student Representative