Granting Agency Policies & Procedures
Below are links to the policy and procedures manuals for RCCD's most common granting agencies. The policies and procedures outlined in these documents must be followed, even if they contradict the policies and procedures of RCCD. If there are discrepancies, please contact GSP for guidance. Do not reach out to the granting agency without first consulting the Office of Grants & Sponsored Programs.
PAPPG - National Science Foundation
EDGAR - US Department of Education
Expanded Authorities Summary - The U.S. Department of Education has provided grant managers with expanded authority to make significant changes to their grants without prior approval in many cases. Some changes do still require prior approval. This document summarizes this information.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) - eCFR :: Title 2 of the CFR -- Grants and Agreements
Grants are governed by Title 2, subparts 200-299