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10 Steps to Becoming a Handshake Pro

    1. Activate your Handshake profile
      Go to app.joinhandshake.com, select “Riverside Community College District,” and enter your RCCD Student email and password (usually your username@student.rccd.edu) to activate your account.

    2. Upload your resume
      When you upload your resume, Handshake will automatically fill out tons of information on your profile. Let Handshake do the work for you, rather than writing the same information all over again.

    3. Fill out your job preferences
      Let prospective employers know where you’d like to work, and what roles you’re interested in.

    4. Add experience to your profile
      What internships, volunteer work, or jobs have you held previously? Add them to your profile so prospective employers know your accomplishments.

    5. Follow five interesting employers
      Recruiters will often check who is following their companies. By following organizations you like, you can get on their radar and get alerts for new opportunities.

    6. Fill out past courses and special skills
      What past courses, current skills, and special talents are you proud of? Add them to your profile to help give prospective employers a better idea of who you are, and what you have to offer their organization.

    7. Add a headshot
      A photo helps connect your face with your name. It can be particularly useful if you connect with a recruiter at a career fair or event.

    8. Message three peers with professional experience you admire
      Use Handshake to build your network and create new connections. People who have worked at companies you’re interested in can be a great source of knowledge.

    9. Ask one question about a company, job role, or specific opportunity
      There are so many knowledgeable folks on Handshake — hit them with some of your questions about specific career paths, organizations, or opportunities.

    10. Apply to five jobs that interest you
      Now that you’re a Handshake super-user, start applying for the jobs and internships you want to land. Don’t forget to celebrate your success as a Handshake pro.