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Student Trustee/SDCC Bylaws

Qualifications for Candidate Eligibility
      • Must have completed at least twelve (12) units at Riverside Community College District prior to election.

      • Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on all RCCD course work attempted prior to the Student Trustee Election.

      • Must have complied with all election procedures and guidelines.

      • Must have Student Services Fee paid upon submission of application and throughout the term of office.

      • Must be enrolled and maintain at least six (6) units (or in a full-time program as defined by college policy) at Riverside Community College District at the time of application submission and for the duration of the semester.

      • Must have attended the RCCD Student Trustee Candidate Training Session at their home college and as scheduled by their respective Student Activities Office.

      • Must be a California Resident.

      • Dropping below these requirements will result in immediate dismissal.

Qualifications for Holding Office
      • Must be enrolled and maintain at least six (6) units (or in a full-time program as defined by college policy) at Riverside Community College District with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 during term of office.

      • Must have Student Services Fee paid throughout the term of office.

      • Must fulfill all duties and responsibilities as outlined in RCCD AP 2015.

      • Must meet all standards of student conduct as outlined in RCCD AP 5500.

      • Dropping below these requirements will result in immediate dismissal

Duties & Responsibilities
      • The Student Trustee shall meet with the RCCD Chancellor on a monthly basis and report to the associated students organizations on any student related issues/policy changes/or other student related matters.

      • The Student Trustee must participate in at least one statewide trustee training conference/workshop during the duration of their term.

      • The Student trustee's home college shall be responsible for all related expenses.

Attendance Policy
      • The Student Trustee shall attend and be on time for all of the regular Board of Trustees Committee and Board of Trustees general meetings.

      • An absence shall be defined as not being present fifteen (15) minutes after the meeting has been called to order.

      • The Student Trustee shall be allowed only two.

      • (2) unexcused absences from any regular Board of Trustees meeting or from any regular Board of Trustees Committee meeting.

      • Upon a third (3rd) unexcused absence from a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees (committee or regular board meeting), the Student Trustee will be subject to removal from office by the RCC, ASMVC, and ASNC legislatures.

      • Upon a fourth (4th) unexcused absence, the Student Trustee is automatically removed from office.

Vacancy/Line of Succession
In addition to AP 2015, if a vacancy occurs for any reason, including removal from office, the line of succession will be as follows:

      • The President of the associated students organization of the College the Student Trustee has indicated as their home campus will serve as the Student Trustee Pro Tempore and continue to serve as the President of associated students' organization of their college.

      • § A special election may be held if a vacancy occurs prior to the end of the Fall semester and no later than three weeks before the week of finals for said semester.

Removal of Student Trustee

In addition to recall, and as prescribed in AP 2015, the Student Trustee may be subject to removal from office on the following grounds:

      • § Improper Conduct

      • § Neglect of duty

A Student Trustee removed from office shall be ineligible to run for the position in any subsequent election within the RCCD.

Improper Conduct shall be defined as follows:
      • § Willfully violating any sections/articles/guidelines/policies/standards of the California Education Code, State and Federal law, Student Code of Conduct, Board Policy, Administrative Policy and these bylaws
      • ​§ Failure to meet minimum requirements or making false statements and misrepresenting one's self

        • Neglect of Duty shall be defined as follows:

          • § Failure to fulfill duties as prescribed in AP 2015, BP5405, and these bylaws

          • § Accumulation of excessive unexcused absences as defined in these bylaws

            • ​The Student trustee shall be subject to removal through the following process:
          • § you Any of the associated students' organizations within the RCCD may place an item on their agenda for removal of the RCCD Student Trustee for consideration by their Legislature/Senate

          • § If said item is placed on the agenda, the student activities coordinator of that campus will immediately notify the Vice Presidents of Student Services at all three Colleges

          • § The item must be submitted and considered pursuant to the Brown Act and the meeting must meet all minimum requirements as prescribed in Robert's Rules of Order

          • § The Student Trustee shall receive written notification (including email) of such meeting from the President(s) of any of the associated students organization(s) at least three (3) days prior to appearing before said Legislature (s)/Senate(s)

          • § Said notification must outline that the item “Removal of Officer" has been properly placed on the agenda and indicate specific alleged violations and in accordance with these bylaws

          • § The RCCD associated students Legislature(s)/Senate(s) must vote on the proposed removal and a two thirds (2/3rds) vote must be secured for removal, quorum maintained

          • § The Student Trustee will be removed if two (2) out of the three(3) Legislatures/Senates within the RCCD secure a two thirds vote (2/3rds) during said proceedings

          • § The Student Trustee has the right to bring forward witnesses, answer questions, offer rebuttals, and/or have a proxy at the meeting if they are not able to attend

          • § If the Student Trustee cannot attend the meeting the removal proceedings can take place in their absence. No automatic removal will be allowed if the Student trustee is unable to attend the meeting

          • § Videoconference and/or teleconference must be available options in the instance that the Student Trustee is unable to attend the meeting

          • § If more than one college is holding removal proceedings they must not hold said meetings at the same calendar day nor at the same time.

          • § “Removal of Officer" agenda items must not be time limited and all proceedings may be videotaped or recorded in accordance with the Brown Act

          • § If the nature of any complaint against the Student Trustee with regard to improper conduct warrants formal College disciplinary review/action, the designated Student activities Coordinator/ Advisor shall notify the Dean of Student Services and initiate further action. If the Student Trustee has been found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct or any other RCCD Policies, upon the conclusion of any formal disciplinary process, they shall be immediately removed from office.​
SDCC Meetings
      • The SDCC shall meet once a month, face to face, prior to the regular Board of Trustees Committee meetings at the college that the Board of Trustees Committee meetings take place.

      • All SDCC members must be available on said dates and all SDCC meetings must be held between 4:30 and 5:45 pm. Associated students organization presidents may dispatch designees in case of unforeseeable emergencies or special circumstances.

      • All SDCC members are required to allow for time to travel from college to college and are entitled to gas/mileage reimbursement from their respective associated students organization budget.

      • All members of the SDCC shall be invited and participate in formal training during a district wide retreat held no later than the month of June.

      • Each associated students organization president will be responsible for nominating and appointing student​ members, from their home college, to all Board of Trustees Committee meetings during said district-wide retreat.

      • Each college will have the responsibility to develop a budget for students to participate in said retreat.