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Committee Members

    1. Director, Human Resources & Employee Relations, District Compliance Officer (1)

    2. Faculty Representative of each college (3)

    3. Management Representative from each college (3)

    4. Confidential Representative (1)

    5. Classified Professional Representative of each college (3)

DEIC Members
Lorraine Jones - District Compliance Officer

Vacant - Director, Human Resources & Employee Relations
Georgina Villaseñor-Lee - Confidential Representative

Edward Rice - Faculty Representative

Adviye Tolunay - Faculty Representative

Vacant - Management Representative

Vacant - Classified Representative
Brady Kerr - Faculty Representative

Dominique Hitchcock - Faculty Representative

Greg Ferrer - Management Representative

Vacant - Classified Professional Representative
Marc Sanchez - Faculty Representative

Star Taylor - Faculty Representative

Vacant - Management Representative

Vacant - Classified Representative


Riverside City College​