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RCCD Celebrates International Women's Day


RCCD Celebrates International Women's Day

The celebration of International Women's Day at the Riverside Community College District (RCCD) provides the community an opportunity to become better informed and commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women around the world. It is also an opportunity for RCCD to honor and acknowledge the women warriors within the District and at each college, who embody the heart and soul of academic excellence. B.R. Ambedkar said, “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved." Progress is happening at RCCD, because of the strong women leaders who have paved the way. Happy International Women's Day (IWD).

IWD marks the call, since the early 1900's to birth a gender equal world, that is free of discrimination, stereotypes and implicit bias. A world that is equitable and inclusive of the rich diversity found in places like the Inland Empire. This year's theme focuses on women in the context of climate change: "Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow." RCCD understands the importance of empowering women and promoting gender equality on all levels, from our women student population to women classified professionals, to women in management, and women in senior leadership. Chancellor Isaac states, “This is the critical component to accelerating sustainable development that will set RCCD on a platform for continued growth and success as an institution of higher education."

What began as a universal suffrage movement in New Zealand, to labor movements in North America and Europe, the earliest “version" of a women's day celebration occurred in New York City in 1909. International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Why March 8th? In 1917, 4 days into a Russian wartime strike, women advocated for their rights, placing their job security on the line, and were granted the right to vote. 

While the world has seen a significant step back globally in the fight for women's rights, RCCD remains on the forefront of diversity, equity and inclusion, honoring all employees, including staff and students who identify as women.  Join RCCD in celebrating women who are taking action, at every level. RCCD uplifts the voices of women as the world celebrates IWD, and RCCD encourages the community to support the work of women today, tomorrow, and throughout the time to come.

Fun fact: The colors of IWD are purple, green and white. Purple signifies justice and dignity. Green symbolizes hope. White represents purity. Wear your purple, green and white proudly in honor of the great women of RCCD.​​

Published by External Relations & Strategic Communications