Safe Return Town Hall Meeting

Join us this Wednesday, 4/21 at 4PM for the first in a series of monthly zoom webinar Town Hall Meetings where we will share information about our preparations for safe return to colleges and work sites in the fall.
Everyone in the District is invited to attend this Zoom meeting. If you are a student at Moreno Valley College, Norco College or Riverside City College, we especially want you to tune-in. We want you to participate and share your opinions, questions and concerns.
During this first meeting we will discuss how we are preparing our facilities and campuses. Dr. Steinback, the president of Moreno Valley College and chair of the Safe Return Taskforce will serve as the moderator. The Vice Presidents of Business Services from each college, and the District's Director of Risk Management have prepared a short presentation. A question-and-answer session will immediately follow.
You are invited to submit questions before the meeting via email:, or during the meeting in the Q&A box.
Your participation is important, and we look forward to your joining us for this Town Hall Meeting.
Wolde-Ab Isaac, Ph.D.
Riverside Community College District
On Wednesday at a little before 4PM, please paste the link below into your browser to join the Zoom webinar:
Published by External Relations & Strategic Communications