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The RCCD Distance Education Experience


The RCCD Distance Education Experience

The Riverside Community College District (RCCD) Distance Education Department has provided exceptional opportunities for student workers, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between academic growth and professional development. This enriching environment, where student workers like Lesley Loucks and Jace Ortega thrive, demonstrates the essential role of career employees and department leaders in shaping future professionals.

Lesley Loucks, who held the position of Student Data Clerk for three years, is an example of the diverse responsibilities and learning experiences afforded to student workers. Her role encompassed tasks from community outreach and data management to organizing workshops and events, allowing her to gain valuable communication, teamwork, and project management skills.

"I wear many hats with this department, especially as a student worker. It's been great to get experience with everyone in the department," Lesley shared. Her exposure to different facets of the department's operations, including the use of Canvas, the district's Learning Management System, has been instrumental in aligning technology with the Chancellor’s strategic goals.

Jace Ortega, another student worker, shares a similar sentiment. "My current role is a testament to Distance Education's commitment to championing equity initiatives. I am grateful to Dr. Bushell and Distance Education for creating such opportunities and for setting an example of how to empower financially disadvantaged students," Jace emphasized. He has been working with Distance Education for over six months on various creative projects promoting equity, which has been pivotal in his professional development.

The Distance Education Department, led by Dr. Shawna BuShell, Dean of Educational Services and Distance Learning, is dedicated to exploring and implementing new technologies to enhance the learning experience. "We ensure that technology aligns with strategic goals and is effectively utilized, not wasted," Lesley explained. This commitment to innovation is reflected in initiatives like the Black Child Book Fair, which successfully bridged the gap between virtual learners and the physical campus community.

Jace's journey further illustrates the department's dedication to equity and support. He attributes his current position to the support and resources provided by RCC, particularly through Meriel Anderson at the Career Center. "Her guidance was instrumental in equipping me with the tools and confidence needed to apply for this role. Every department should take this as a call to action to ensure we don't lose sight of education's main goal: to equip students with the means to support themselves," Jace noted.

A significant project Jace worked on was enhancing the Career Closet's visibility and accessibility. "We created a website and mobile app, ensuring that any student with a phone can easily browse the Career Closet's catalog," Jace explained. This project, also involved partnerships with the Basic Needs Center and the Cosmetology department.

Lesley's experience has also impacted her academic journey. "Working in Distance Education has made me more comfortable as a student at RCC. Seeing the effort behind campus resources and events gives more value to my education," she noted. The department's supportive environment, which prioritizes education and personal well-being, has been pivotal in her academic success.

The collaborative culture within the Distance Education Department fosters personal and professional growth. Lesley highlighted the importance of communication and teamwork in her role, stating, "Our department is small, but the open and trusting environment makes it easy to rely on colleagues. Everyone helps each other, creating a supportive workplace."

Jace echoed this sentiment, describing how teamwork played a critical role in the success of the Career Closet project. "Collaboration was a constant part of my role. These interactions taught me the importance of teamwork, communication, and leveraging different strengths to achieve common goals," Jace shared.

The Black Child Book Fair was one standout project that showcased the department's collaborative drive. This event, held at the Bradshaw Building on the Riverside City College campus, was a success, bringing together over 100 individuals from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds. It provided online students a rare opportunity to connect with the campus community in person. Lesley's role in organizing and executing this event demonstrated the significant impact student workers have in fostering community engagement.

"Reaching out to different vendors and communicating our goals was challenging but incredibly rewarding when we saw the positive response," Lesley reflected. The Black Child Book Fair's success enriched the campus community and provided student workers hands-on experience in event planning and community outreach. It also raised $300 in books ordered for the RCC Child Development Center.

Lesley's journey as a student worker in the Distance Education Department has equipped her with various transferable skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, enhanced communication abilities, and improved project management techniques are just a few of the competencies she has developed. "My confidence has grown significantly, and I've learned to approach problems from different angles," she said.

Department leaders like Dr. BuShell have been instrumental in this development. "Dr. BuShell is such an inspiration. She also wears many hats and excels in all of them. Her leadership has encouraged me to pursue my education further and explore different career opportunities," Lesley shared. This mentorship and support have been crucial in helping student workers like Lesley set ambitious future goals.

For students considering a similar position, Lesley offers valuable advice: "Be patient with yourself and open to learning new things. The skills and experiences you gain here are invaluable." Her time in the Distance Education Department has not only enhanced her academic and professional skills but also reignited her passion for her career goals.

Jace, reflecting on his own experiences, advised, "Embrace the opportunities to learn new skills and be open to collaboration. This role offers valuable experience that can be applied in many different contexts."

As Lesley and Jace move forward, they will carry the lessons learned and the memories of a supportive, team-working environment. "The people genuinely care and are the most hardworking I've ever met. The experiences and relationships built here are what I'll remember most," Lesley concluded. Jace echoed this sentiment, expressing gratitude for the professional growth and connections he has made.

The RCCD Distance Education Department is a strong demonstration of how student employment can significantly contribute to personal and professional growth. By providing a supportive, inclusive, and dynamic environment, the department not only aids in the academic success of its students but also prepares them for future careers. This personifies the mission of RCCD to support social and economic mobility through access, success, and equity.

Published by External Relations & Strategic Communications