Student Insurance
The District offers student insurance for students that are injured during school activities, this includes physical education classes, club sports, career, and technical education, and the commute between classes in addition to intercollegiate sports. For more information on our student accident insurance program please review our Student Accident Insurance Slideshow from our providers Myers-Stevens and Toohey & Co., Inc. To file a claim complete the Student Insurance Claim Form and follow the submittal instructions. Please also send a copy of the claim form to BJ Cain.
When a student suffers a non-life-threatening injury on campus, they can seek assistance
from the Student Health Services Department. However, depending on the type of vocational
or occupational program that a student is enrolled in, they may be covered by workers'
compensation laws and insurance. You can contact Risk Management ( for additional information regarding Workers' Compensation coverage.
Student Accident Insurance Slideshow Student Insurance Claim Form
Risk Management manages all claims filed on behalf of the District and against the District, this includes general liability claims, property claims, auto claims, and workers' compensation claims.
External claims filed against the District can be sent to the District Office at 3801 Market Street, Riverside, CA 92501.
Internal claims filed on behalf of the District departments can be reported to Risk
Management. Please follow the reporting instructions for the type of claim you are
General Liability Claims
There are times when an individual may want to file a liability claim against the
District. This may occur if a visitor is injured on campus or has something damaged
or stolen while they are on campus. Please read the District's Board Policy 1830 to
read the guidelines and regulations for filing a claim against the District. A Claim
for Damages Form is required to be submitted to the District Office at 3801 Market
Street, Riverside, CA 92501. Claims not submitted on the District's form will be returned
to the claimant and may be resubmitted using the proper form.
Board Policy 1830 Claim for Damages Form
District Property Claims
If you are an employee of the District and need to file a claim involving District
property, follow the Instructions for Filing a Property Loss, complete the Loss or
Damage Report, and submit it and any other supporting documents to BJ Cain in Risk Management.
Instructions for Filing a Property Loss Loss or Damage Report
Auto Claims
Auto Claims for a district vehicle - Employees that are in an auto collision in a District vehicle should follow the Auto Claims Procedures and complete the Vehicle Collision Report. The employee should report the accident to the Police Department for a police report and should call Medcor (800-775-8566) to report the incident and any employee injuries.
Auto claims for personal vehicle - If a visitor's vehicle or employee's personal vehicle
is damaged on site and they wish to file a claim, they can complete the Claim for
Damages Form and submit it to BJ Cain in Risk Management. Please provide a copy of the police report along with the claim
form if available.
Auto Claims Procedures Vehicle Collision Report
Workers' Compensation Claims
For more information on the District's Workers' Compensation program please view the workers' compensation page.