A safe work environment is essential. By providing a safe a work environment we are protecting our employees and our students. It is important to follow guidelines and procedures to remain compliant with local and national occupational safety authorities. The topics and documents below are some of the ways Riverside Community College District follows safety guidelines and keeps its employees and students safe.
Safety Hazard Reporting Form (RCCD login required)
Injury and Illness Prevention Program
The Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is a written workplace safety program that is required by Title 8 of the CA Code of Regulations. An effective IIPP improves the safety and health in the workplace. The required elements of an IIPP are 1) responsibility, 2) compliance, 3) communication, 4) hazard assessment, 5) accident/exposure investigation, 6) hazard correction, 7) training and instruction, & 8) record keeping.
Below is a copy of the District's IIPP as well as the individual programs required
in the document.
Injury and Illness Prevention Program Bloodborne Pathogens
Chemical Hygiene Plan Hazard Communication Program
Workplace Violence
Employee Workplace Violence Information
Ergonomics is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. Ergonomics helps lessen muscle fatigue, increases productivity and reduces the number and severity of work-related injuries.
Ergonomic evaluations are offered for employees at each of our locations. If you are
interested in an evaluation, please reach out to you College Safety & Emergency Planning
Coordinator and submit to them a completed Assessment Request Form. Also, review this
Ergonomic Worksheet for recommendations on setting up your workspace.
Assessment Request Form Ergonomic Self-Evaluation Checklist
Hazard Reporting
If you see something, say something. We appreciate reports of hazards to assist us in keeping our facilities safe for our students, employees, and visitors. The Health & Safety Hazard Reporting Form can be completed online to report hazards. The safety issue will then be investigated to determine if mitigations are needed. The form can be submitted anonymously if desired.
This form is only accessible to RCCD employees, you will need to sign into the system to access.