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Resources Committee

Committee Charge

The Resources Committee is charged with acquiring, managing, and deploying resources—including human, facilities, technology, and financial—to support district goals and advancement.
The Resources Committee coordinates specific strategies and practices used by the colleges and district office to implement plans efficiently and effectively, thereby ensuring integration, alignment, and economies of scale in goal attainment. The Resources Committee monitors, assesses and evaluates the district strategic goals and objectives assigned by the DSPC and provides at least one written assessment of the assigned goals to the DSPC in spring.  The Resources Committee assists in the development of the district five-year plans listed in the District Strategic Plan, coordinates the planning activities of the colleges into an integrated strategy, and provides regular updates to DSPC on the progress of plan development.
The primary areas of Resources Committee oversight and monitoring are: Finance, Facilities, Safety and Risk Management, and Information Technology. The Resources Committee will be guided by the following general responsibilities as it relates to resource stewardship:

- improve efficiency and effectiveness by avoiding unnecessary duplications (economy of scale) and by enhancing synergies among available resources.

- identify best practices used by the colleges and scale them districtwide.

- identify barriers that impede the implementation of plans and recommend administrative and/or policy changes to remove those barriers.

Following are the Resources sub-committees. Resources sub-committees’ purpose and membership are detailed below.

District Budget Advisory Sub-Committee (DBAC)
Facilities Planning and Development Sub-Committee (FPDC)
District Safety and Security Sub-Committee (DSSC)
Human Resources Sub-Committee (HRSC)
Information Technology Strategy Sub-Committee (ITSC)
Cybersecurity Advisory Sub-Committee (CASC)


Vice Chancellor, Business & Financial Services – co-chair (1)

Vice Presidents, Business Services (3)

Director, Risk Management (1)

Chief of Police (1)

Associate Vice Chancellor, Information Technology & Learning Services (1)

Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Planning & Development (1)

Associate Vice Chancellor, Grants & Economic Development (1)

Executive Director, RCCD Foundation (1)

Director, Employee Relations, Labor Relations and College Support (1)

Faculty member from each college, ideally the College Resources Committee faculty co-chairs (3)

Classified Professional representatives (4)

Student representative from each college (3)



The RC meeting schedule is being determined.