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Health & Wellness

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Riverside City College

Norco College

Moreno Valley College


Bee Your Best Self

"Bee Your Best Self" is an innovative mental health campaign tailored specifically for online students, recognizing the unique challenges they face in a digital learning environment. This campaign aims to promote mental well-being, resilience, and a supportive community among students who may experience isolation and stress due to the lack of traditional, face-to-face interactions.

honey bee with the words bee your best self

Key Features of the Campaign

  • Virtual Workshops and Webinars: Regularly scheduled events led by mental health professionals and experienced educators focused on topics such as stress management, effective online learning strategies, and building virtual relationships.
  • Peer Support Networks: Creation of a platform where students can connect, share experiences, and offer support to each other. This network fosters a sense of community and belonging, crucial for mental health.
  • Mindfulness and Wellness Programs: Incorporation of guided meditation sessions, yoga classes, and wellness challenges that students can participate in from the comfort of their homes to reduce anxiety and enhance focus.
  • Mental Health Resources and Tools: Access to a curated list of mental health resources, including crisis intervention, counseling services, and self-help tools, tailored to the needs of online learners.
  • Awareness and Education Campaigns: Educational content and stories shared through newsletters, social media, and the campaign website to raise awareness about mental health issues, destigmatize seeking help, and educate students on coping mechanisms.
  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Regular surveys and feedback mechanisms to understand the evolving needs of online students, allowing the campaign to adapt and respond effectively.

Campaign Impact Goals:

  • Enhanced Student Performance: By reducing mental health barriers, students are better positioned to achieve academic success.
  • Increased Engagement: Cultivating a supportive online community that encourages active participation in academic and extracurricular activities.
  • Better Retention Rates: Addressing mental health proactively can lead to improved student retention as learners feel supported throughout their educational journey.


"Bee Your Best Self" not only supports the academic achievements of online students but also addresses the holistic needs of their mental and emotional well-being, ensuring they are well-equipped to thrive in both personal and professional arenas.