This page is intended to provide information to the college community about the college's Drug-Free College policies, standards of conduct for students and staff, the health risks of drug and alcohol abuse, programs available at RCCD for students and staff, and legal sanctions related to drug and alcohol abuse. This page is not intended as a substitute for counseling and treatment, but it can be a helpful starting point. Those who are interested in speaking with a professional about their questions and concerns are encouraged to click on the applicable resource on this page for more information and to contact counseling services.
For information and resources related to the college's drug-free and tobacco-free policies, please visit the following:
BPAP 5850: Drug-Free Environment BPAP 5870: Smoking on Campus
BPAP 6460: Drug Prevention Program
Effects of Drugs
The consumption of drugs and alcohol can have significant negative effects on
health. Repeated use of alcohol and drugs can lead to addiction, and cause serious
damage to the nervous and circulatory systems, mental disorders, and other health
Visit for alcohol facts and risks, including:
- Alcohol information, alcohol effects, and alcohol statistics
- Binge drinking and excessive alcohol use
- College drinking -
- Alcohol and pregnancy
- Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure
- Alcohol information, alcohol effects, and alcohol statistics
Visit for drug facts and risks, including:
- Cocaine and Crack
- Marijuana
- Heroin and Opioids
- "Bath Salts" Facts
- "Spice"
- Methamphetamine
- MDMA/Ecstasy/"Molly"
- Inhalants
- LSD and PCP ("Angel Dust")
- Tobacco Facts
- Anabolic Steroids
- Cocaine and Crack
- Secondhand Electronic Cigarette Smoke
- Speak to an Expert | Smokefree
- Coping with Stress Without Smoking
- Smoking – Anatomy of nicotine addiction
- This is Your Year to Quit Smoking
- Hookah Smoking: Is it safer than cigarette smoking?
- Daily Challenges | Smokefree Daily Challenges – Sign-up for quitting smoking support texts
Legal Sanctions for Drugs
Under federal and California state laws, illegal drug and alcohol activities carry criminal penalties. For specific details, please refer to Federal and State links below.
- Controlled Substance Act - Visit the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Agency site to view data
related to offenses and penalties per Title 21 United States Code (USC) Controlled
Substances Act.
- U.S. Department of Justice information related to federal trafficking penalties
Read the California Controlled Substances Act. Lists Schedule I-VI Controlled Substances and describes violations and penalties associated with controlled substances. Learn about CA laws concerning alcohol use, possession, and distribution and impaired driving and the associated penalties:
Getting Help for Drug Use
Are alcohol and drugs affecting you? Take a self-assessment.
For assistance with alcohol and drug use:
For on-campus assistance call:
Riverside City College Health Services – (951) 222-8151
Norco Campus Health Services – (951) 372-7046
Moreno Valley Campus Health Services – (951) 571-6103
For off-campus services call:
Riverside County Substance Abuse Program – (951) 955-2105
24-hour Detox Line – (951) 955-2100
After-Hours (5 pm) – 1-800-499-3008
For toll-free information, call:
Local Al-Anon or Alcoholics Anonymous – (909) 825-4700
Assisted Recovery – 1-800-527-5344
Cocaine Anonymous – (951) 359-3895
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration - Cocaine/Substance Abuse Hotline – 1-800-662-4357
National Council on Alcoholism – 1-800-662-4357
The Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free service provided for all employees and their dependents, and household members by the Riverside Community College District. This program offers a wide variety of counseling, referral, consultation services, which are all designed to assist you and your family in resolving work and life issues in order to live happier, healthier, more balanced lives. From stress, addiction and change management to locating child care facilities, legal assistance, and financial challenges, Deer Oaks' qualified professionals are here to help.
RCCD Managers are expected to enforce the District's Drug, Alcohol and Smoking policies. Please refer to the tools below to assist with management of these policies.
- "Substance Abuse and Addiction - The Essentials": Explores recognizing signs of alcohol and prescription drug use, understanding
addictive behavior, using strategies to prevent substance use disorders, and understanding
treatment and recovery options. There are relevant articles and resources for each
of these topics.
- "National Institute on Drug Abuse - Military": Offers several resources for service members, veterans, and their families who
need help dealing with substance abuse issues.
- "Substance Abuse and Addiction - The Essentials": Explores recognizing signs of alcohol and prescription drug use, understanding
addictive behavior, using strategies to prevent substance use disorders, and understanding
treatment and recovery options. There are relevant articles and resources for each
of these topics.
- Parental Alcoholism Carries Risk for Offspring to Develop the Same, Population-Based
Study Confirms: Article gives information about the genetic predisposition to alcoholism
- Are you in an unhealthy relationship with a person who is abusing alcohol or drugs?
Read about patterns and characteristics of codependence. If you identify with any
of the characteristics common to codependency, contact a counselor or attend an Al-Anon meeting.
Dealing with a Drug or Alcohol Problem as a Family
A Loved One's Substance Abuse Problem: What You Can Do
- Parental Alcoholism Carries Risk for Offspring to Develop the Same, Population-Based
Study Confirms: Article gives information about the genetic predisposition to alcoholism
- Parental Alcoholism Carries Risk for Offspring to Develop the Same, Population-Based
Study Confirms: Article gives information about the genetic predisposition to alcoholism
- Alcoholics Anonymous - Alcoholics Anonymous provides support for individuals with alcohol related issues.
Find local support groups and meetings.
- Narcotics Anonymous - Provides support for individuals with narcotic related issues. Find local support
groups and meetings.
- Al-Anon - Al-Anon provides support to individuals who have been affected by someone else's drug or alcohol use. Find local meetings.
- Parental Alcoholism Carries Risk for Offspring to Develop the Same, Population-Based
Study Confirms: Article gives information about the genetic predisposition to alcoholism
- Phone Apps to Help with Recovery: Apps to help you cope with addiction.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism provides ways to qualify for treatment, treatment options and support.
- Phone Apps to Help with Recovery: Apps to help you cope with addiction.