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First Two Weeks of Class


Parking Services does not issue citations during the first 2 weeks of school.


Parking Services does issue citations beginning on the first day of class,​

We do not require you to have a current semester permit to park in a designated student space for the first 2 weeks of class during the Fall and Spring semesters or first week of the Summer session (the same is not true for Cosmetology students). This gives students time to obtain their permits either through WebAdvisor or at admissions. The same is not true for faculty or staff. You must have a current staff permit the 1st day of class to park in a staff space or you will be subject to a citation. And, at all​ times, if you park in the metered areas you must pay the meters.

The first 2 weeks of class during the Fall and Spring semesters are extremely hectic and parking will be scarce, especially on the Riverside City College campus. When lots fill up, they will be closed off and traffic directed to other lots. There may be times when all lots are full. Please become familiar with all parking lot locations and plan ahead during the first 3 weeks of the semester.

If you wish to save time, money (i.e. gas money) and effort do the following:

Plan Ahead

Use the maps provided on this website to find out where your class meets. Although there is no guarantee that there will be parking available in the immediate area, you can locate alternative parking lots. 

Only Come to the Campus if it is Absolutely Necessary

The majority of people who come to campus are attending/teaching class or engaged in business with the District. Coming to campus during the first two weeks of a semester for non-college business (i.e. just to "meet a friend") will only add to the parking congestion.

Plan to Do All Your Business at Once
Combine things like going to class/work, buying books, seeing counselors, etc. That way you will only need to find a parking place once. 

Find Alternative Transportation

Take the bus, ride a bike, rideshare or have someone drop you off.​