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Long-Term Capital Facilities Program

The LTCFP is a long-range plan that establishes the foundation for effective and integrated implementation of the FMPs, from inception through closeout, over a 15-20 year period. ​The LTCFP is envisioned to address the following objectives:

      • Produce a basis that will drive all future facility planning efforts of the district;

      • Create a long-term vision for meeting academic growth and colleges facilities and infrastructure needs;

      • Confirm project priorities, scopes, schedules and resources for implementing the long-term vision;

      • Leverage financial opportunities for capital outlay projects (state, federal, bonds, public-private partnership, etc.);

      • Provide comprehensive strategies that will enable efficient, sustainable and cost-effective implementation of the district plans;

      • Establish transparent decision making processes through effective communication, stakeholder engagement and improve quality;

      • Integrate a total cost of ownership (TCO) methodology and sustainability strategies when planning and developing district plans.​

LTCFP Facilities Planning Initiatives

      1. Sustainability Plan (SP)

      2. Integrated Energy Plan (IEP)

      3. Aerial Topography Mapping Survey (ATMS)

      4. Underground Utilities Mapping and Conditions Assessment (UMCA) and Infrastructure Program (UIP) 
      5. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Campus Program Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
      6. Owner Program Requirement (OP​R), District Standards (DS), and Colleges Building Design Guidelines (CBDG)

      7. Comprehensive Facilities Conditions Assessment (FCA)

      8. ADA Transition Plan, Accessibility Compliance and Wayfinding

      9. Information Technology Infrastructure Plan (ITIP)

      10. Safety and Security Plan (SSP)

      11. Project Management Information System (PMIS)

      12. Project Alternative Delivery Systems Assessment ​

LTCFP Facilities Planning Initiatives - Presentation
LTCFP ​Facilities Planning Initiatives - Detailed Plan