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Sustainability at RCCD

The Board of Trustees adopted  Board Policy 5775 - Sustainability & Environmental Responsibility in January 25, 2011 which states “The Riverside Community College District recognizes its responsibility to exercise environmental​l stewardship and to economically manage the use of buildings, land and natural resources.  It is the intent of the district to create a set of operating principles and guidelines in the execution of its responsibilities to facilities’ design and operation; campus management and teaching and learning, thereby minimizing negative environmental impacts of activities under its control and oversight.”​​ 

Board Policy 5775 - Sustainability & Environmental Responsibility 


Sustainability Committee Members
Associate Vice Chancellor

Director of Capital Planning

Facilities Development Director

Classified Representative, CSEA

Academic Senate Representative

Student Representative

Majd Askar
Vice President, Business Services

Ron Kirkpatrick
Director of Facilities M&O

Laurie Crouse
Classified Representative, CSEA

Kimberly Bell
Academic Senate President

Jilani Yusuf
Student Representative

Michael Collins
Vice President, Business Services

Travonne Bell
Director of Facilities M&O

Jeff Buch
Classified Representative, CSEA

Garth Schultz
Associate Professor, Faculty Association

To​nya Huff
Professor, Academic Senate

Bethany Canete
Student Representative, College Students Association 

Albert Jaramillo
Student Representative, College Students Association (Alternate)

Kristine DiMemmo
Vice President, Business Services

Robert Beebe
Director of Facilities M&O

Peter Lomas
Classified Representative​​, CSEA

district sustainability action plan


District Sustainability & Climate Action Plan – June 2023




district sustainability action plan


S-CAP Plan-At-Glance




districtwide sustainability


RCCD Sustainability & Environmental Responsibility Planning - December 1, 2020 BOT Presentation




Sustainability/Climate Action Planning

Kick-off Meetings

The Riverside Community College District started their Sustainability and Climate Action project with a series of kick-off meetings with the District Sustainability Committee and each of the college's President's Cabinets. In these sessions the district's consultant, DLR Group, defined an Integrated Planning Approach, outlined the deliverables and started the process of engagement.

Values Sessions

​In this series of workshops, DLR Group hosted eight sessions of their VALUES workshop. The VALUES framework was developed by DLR Group to uncover stakeholder's priorities towards User Experience and Sustainability. Within the framework there is a variety of topics that allowed stakeholders to prioritize impact areas related to environmental, social and economic sustainability.​     

​​Visioning & Listening Sessions (Open House)​

During the Open Houses, DLR Group used the District's top VALUES to generate a conversation around Decarbonization and Climate Justice, Recycling and Waste Reduction, Water and Eco-systems and Health and Well-being.

 Prioritization Sessions

In this series of workshops, DLR Group worked with the District Sustainability Committee and sustainability tasks forces or committee at each of the colleges to dig deeper into the goal setting process. DLR Group conducted a crosswalk of sustainability frameworks compared to the VALUES uncovered and then started to outline goals for short, mid and long-term goals around the VALUES or Impact Areas. This series of workshops included Report Out sessions to each college's Resource Council and President's Cabinets summarizing the work of Fall 2021.


Moreno Valley College

Norco College

Riverside City College

    • President's Cabinet - Report Progress - April

    • Physical Resource Committee - First Read - April​

    • Sustainability Committee - Review Impact Areas - April

    • SAS Leadership - First Read - April
    • ​Teaching and Learning LC - First Read - April
    • RD + AS - First Read - April

    • EPOC - First Read - May

    • ASRCC: First Read - TBD

Additional Meetings

California Community Colleges

2019-05 Board of Governors Climate Change and Sustainabilit​​​y Policy

clean mobility optionsClean Mobility Option (CMO) Initiative
The Clean Mobility Options

The Clean Mobility Options (CMO) is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen the economy, improve public health, and improve the environment. CMO aims to improve access to clean mobility options in underserved communities that are safe, reliable, convenient, and affordable to increase mobility equity, improve local air quality, increase zero-emission vehicle adoption, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and advance workforce development in clean transportation.

The CMO Voucher Pilot Program provides funding for zero-emission car sharing, carpooling/vanpooling, bike sharing/scooter sharing, innovative transit services, and ride-on-demand services in California's historically underserved communities.

The District, in collaboration with EViaShare Solutions, LLC, submitted a Community Transportation Needs Assessment (CTNA) application to CMO to access grant funding to conduct a needs assessment of car sharing opportunities at the District's three colleges. On July 30, 2020, the District received notice from CMO that its CTNA application had been approved for funding in the amount of $49,530.

In May 2021, the District conducted two (2) virtual workshops and launched a CTNA Survey for all students, faculty and staff at District.​

pilot program

RCCD-CMO Pilot Program Presentation


Solar Planning Initiative

Board Policy ​5775 - Sustainability/Environmental Responsibility

In alignment with Board Policy ​5775 - Sustainability/Environmental Responsibility, the District is looking to invest its resources for on‐ca​mpus renewable energy sources, specifically, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System, and develop a districtwide solar plan at all its sites to achieve its economic sustainability, social sustainability, and environmental sustainability goals. This initiative will go in three different phases:​

solar planning initiative


Sol​ar Planning Initi​ative Approach & Selection Process



Feasibility and Planning Phase

FINAL 20210202 - Districtwide Solar Planning Funding Options - BOT Presentation
FINAL 20201201 - Districtwide Solar Planning Initiative Update - BOT Presentation
DRAFT 20201015 - Districtwide Solar Planning Initiative Update - Conceptual Plan
DRAFT 20200925 - Districtwide Solar Planning Initiative Update - Conceptual Plan
DRAFT 20200818 - Districtwide Solar Planning Initiative Update - Conceptual Plan

Development Phase/Execution Phase​​

LEED​ Certified Buildings​​

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the world's largest rating system for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings. LEED project certification addresses the following elements: integrative process, location and transportation, sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation and regional priority. LEED certification projects are done through LEED Online which is administered by USGBC.

LEED Online


The following Measure C Bond Construction Projects received LEED Certifications:  ​

MVC SAS Building

Student Academic Services

Moreno Valley College
LEED Silver Certification
Occupi​ed: 2013
Architect: DLR Group

Norco Operations Center Building

Operations Center

Norco College
LEED Silver Certification
Occupied: 2013
Architect: Hill Partnership

RCC School of Nursing Building

School of Nursing & Math and Science Complex

Riverside City College
LEED Certification
Occupied: 2012
Architect: GKK Works​

Coil School of the Arts Building

Henry W. Coil and Alice Edna Coil School of the Arts

Riverside City College
LEED Silver Certification
Occupied: 2016
Architect: LPA, Inc.​

Kane building at RCC

Dr. Charles A. Kane Student Services & Administration Building

Riverside City College
LEED Silver Certification
Occupied: 2016
Architect: HMC Architects

Culinary Arts and District Offices Building

Culinary Arts Academy/District Offices

Riverside City College
LEED Silver Certification
Occupied: 2016
Architects: LPA, Inc.

​​Prop 39 Plans

Proposition 39, The California Clean Energy Jobs Act, passed by the voters in 2012, provides funding for energy project implementation in the CCC system for qualifying projects. RCCD leveraged $4,484,854 from the State plus additional $228,943 local fund for energy efficacies projects at Moreno Valley College, Norco College and Riverside City College, which have reduced the energy for districtwide facilities by 2,408,756 kW/h annually.​

Prop 39 Projects Summary Report 2013 - 2020