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Facilities Planning Resources

State Process & Resources

Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges
The Chancellor's Office is the administrative branch of the California Community College system. Located in Sacramento, this state agency provides leadership and technical assistance to the 115 community colleges and 73 community college districts in California. It is also responsible for allocating state funding to the colleges and districts.

​​Facilities Planning Unit

The FPU is charged with reviewing and approving districts' Five-Year Capital Outlay Plans as part of the annual Capital Outlay Grant Application Process.

2017 CCC Facilities Planning Manual

This California Community College Facilities Planning Manual (Manual) is a “how-to” guide to the capital outlay process for use by community college staff and consultants, the Chancellor's Office and the Department of Finance.

2007 CCC ​Space Inventory Handbook

The Space Inventory (SI) Handbook provides basic information used in calculating state funding for capital outlay projects and maintenance and operations. It provides verification of current and anticipated facilities gross square footage in the district.


Facilities Utilization Space Inventory Option Net (FUSION) is designed for facilities assessment, planning, project management and provides clear, understandable information that can help justify requests for funding and become the foundation for a capital renewal program.​

The Foundation for California Community Colleges

The FCCC is the auxiliary foundation for the Board Governors and serves the California Community Colleges System including 115 colleges and 73 districts.​

California Community Colleges Investor Owner Utilities
The CCC-IOU Energy Efficiency Partnership advocates, promotes and supports energy efficiency in the California Community College system by leveraging contributions from the California Investor Owned Utilities, the Community College Chancellors Office, and individual Community College Districts. ​

Division of the State Architect
The Division of the State Architect (DSA) provides design and construction oversight for K-12 schools, community colleges, and various other state-owned and state-leased facilities to ensure that they comply with all structural, accessibility, and fire and life safety codes.

Contractors State License Board - Building Official Information Guide

The Contractors State License Board protects consumers by regulating the construction industry through policies that promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the public in matters relating to construction.​

California Legislative Information - Community Colleges Education Facilities

The Legislative Counsel's Official California Legislative Information website includes ways to access current and proposed law and explains how the legislature works. Part 49 addresses Community Colleges and Education Facilities.

Facilities Planning Guides



Community College Facility Coalition

CCFC is a nonprofit organization that provides leadership in legislative advocacy and delivers/ critical information, education, and training on facilities issues for California Community College Districts and their business partners to enhance student learning.

Society for College and University Planning (SCUP)  

The Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) unites the best of college and professional planners. It creates a range of learning opportunities, from publications to our annual SCUP conference, for their community to share perspectives, resources, best practices, and fresh ideas that move challenges to solutions—building upon a culture of integrated planning. Integrated planning is a sustainable approach to planning that builds relationships, aligns the organization, and emphasizes preparedness for change. It is a vehicle for achieving, and whether you plan facilities, influence academic direction, or help create your institution's mission, SCUP can help it all come together.​​​

American Physical Plant Association

APPA is a nationwide leadership organization in educational facilities. APPA's community represents the broadest coalition of educational facilities professionals possible, ensuring a diversity of experiences and situations, and availability of best practices.

Construction Management Association of America

CMAA is an industry association dedicated to the practice of professional construction management. It represents members including public and private sector owners, and business partners with a common goal: to improve our nation's facilities and infrastructure.

Design Build Institute of America

DBIA is the true authority on Design-Build Done Right®. It comprises of architectural, engineering, and construction professionals, as well as academics, students, and project Owners to discuss and promote best practices in facilities project delivery methods.​